For each of the media - sound, image and text we retained the format the most used today.
The format «Mp3» is a standard format, processing the sound and intended for all the mobile readers, the computer and the current Hi-fi equipment. We used a bitrate of 128 bits-s, to obtain a quality «Audio CD kept». From the acquired MP3 file, you can also make a CD in the «audio», legible format on all the Hi-fi equipments.
To see the column:
Faq4-5 how to listen to the musical file on a Hifi? Make a title on a CD.
The format «Eps» is a standard format, processing the exploitable image by most of the CD mastering softwares, managing the printing of covers and offsets.
The format «PDF» is a standard format, processing the data «text and image» specialized in the on-line and legible impression printing thanks to its free driver «Acrobat to reader».
To download free of charge «Acrobat reader»,